Busan IT/Algorithm2015. 12. 29. 12:10

Finding GCD is a good start to study algorithm due to its calculation simplicity.


What people commonly use for figuring out GCD is prime factorization.


Let's say we have two numbers, 720 and 12.


** image from - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor 

It is a good method for human who can figure out common divisors without inputting numbers from 1 to increasingly. However, a computer should go through that process.


Thus, our task is to find a good algorithm for computer to calculate GCD.


Let's use some 'MATH' here. =_=


We have numbers A, B. These two numbers are not same and bigger than 1.


If they have a GCD, we can write as below.

** G = GCD

A = a * G

B = b * G


Let's subtract them.


A - B = a * G - b * G

= (a - b) G


So, we can know that A - B also have the same GCD. We can manipulate it.


The GCD of A or B and A - B is same. So that we can subtract a greater number to the rest number until one of these number is zero. When one of number is 0, the rest number is GCD.


GCD(X, 0) = X


** This is because zero is always zero with any number multiplied.

ex) 0 * 1 = 0, 0 * 24098209384 = 0


Let's prove with practical numbers.


GCD(54, 18) = GCD(36, 18)

= GCD(18, 18)

= GCD(18, 0)


Thus, GCD(54, 18) = 18



Examine the calculation. We can notice


-> Subtraction goes on until a greater number becomes less than a smaller number, which is same arithmetic of "%". YEAH!


GCD(54, 18) = GCD(18, 54%18)

= GCD(18, 0)


Now, we have prepared a GCD algorithm for computer.


Let's make functions when inputting numbers vary from 2 to 5.


What we should keep in mind.


1. Find smallest number as divisor

2. Loop should go on until input number -1 are zero

ex) 4 numbers input for GCD, loop should go on until 3 numbers are 0


3. If all input numbers become 0 by divisor, divisor should be GCD.

Below is code of GCD function for 5 arguments(numbers)

int GCD5(unsigned int uiNum1, unsigned int uiNum2, unsigned int uiNum3, unsigned int uiNum4, unsigned int uiNum5)
  unsigned int uiCnt;  //counter for loop
  unsigned int uiDiv;  //divisor for finding GCD
  unsigned int uiNum[5];  
  unsigned int uiZero;

  //putting numbers intto array  
  uiNum[0= uiNum1;
  uiNum[1= uiNum2;
  uiNum[2= uiNum3;
  uiNum[3= uiNum4;
  uiNum[4= uiNum5;

  //finding GCD(Greatest Common Divisor)
  uiDiv = uiNum1;
    //finding divisor
    for(uiCnt = 05 > uiCnt; ++uiCnt)
      if(uiDiv > uiNum[uiCnt] && uiNum[uiCnt] != 0)
        uiDiv = uiNum[uiCnt];
    printf("Divisor is [%d]\n", uiDiv);
    uiZero = 0;
    for(uiCnt = 05 > uiCnt; ++uiCnt)
      uiNum[uiCnt] = uiNum[uiCnt] % uiDiv;
      if(0 == (uiNum[uiCnt] = uiNum[uiCnt] % uiDiv))
    if(4 <= uiZero)
  if(uiZero == 5)
    return uiDiv;
  return uiNum[0] + uiNum[1] + uiNum[2] + uiNum[3] + uiNum[4];



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